MIT ChE Class 1966

MIT ChE Class 1966

The year 2016 makes the 50th anniversary of our class. From this inauspicious beginnings we rose as one group of individuals in our chosen profession in the mother country and our beloved USA. We became a part of a huge extended family, no matter the miles that separate us, yet find unity in a common experience and purpose.. Forever classmates...AMOR PATRIAE

Monday, September 02, 2019

Excerpts from the messages of Pontius Pilate and Urban VIII in the 1892 book ANTIQUITY UNVEILED.

"MY GREETING TO YOU IS THIS:---I was appointed Procurator of Judea in the commencement of the reign of Octavius Augustus. At that time the Jewish nation was a turbulent state. Many man were brought before me on all kinds of charges, for these Jews were the most bitter sectarian bigots in regard to their religious views that I have ever met with as a mortal or spirit. There never was brought before me such a man or so-called God as the present Christian system claims. There was a Jesus Onanias who was tried before me for highway robbery and was crucified by my soldiers; but of the now renowned Jesus I know nothing whatever."As I hope for a happy spirit life, I can say I know nothing of any person, Jew or Gentile, of any Jesus, except the one mentioned in this communication. I am Pontius Pilate" --- Pontius Pilate (12 BC - 38 AD)

From the 1892 book, ANTIQUITY UNVEILED 
"GOOD DAY, MY SON: -- I was known when here as Urban VIII and I want to say this; that as a Pope and having been fully educated in Catholicism, I am able to give facts in regard to the mingling of paganism and Christianity. As Pope, I took from the Pantheon at Rome 450,000 pounds of bronzes to decorate St. Peter's at Rome; and the bronzes were used with little, if any, alteration in their ornamental designs. There you may see the gods of antiquity converted into the Christian saints. Let those who have charge of that edifice deny this, if they can. To my certain knowledge, most of the churches in Rome were built on the ruins of heathen temples and of the material of the latter. Christianity has borrowed everything from paganism; and there is no Catholic priest who holds any office of consequence in the Catholic Church who does not know the common identity of a ceremony of the Eleusinian mysteries in Greece and the Lord's Supper. They will not admit this as mortals, but there will come a time to them in the spirit life when remorse for their untruthfulness will lash them into giving the truth. 'Why', ask these milk and water people, 'do you so roughly attack Christianity?' Because it claims for itself divine powers, and it has none. There is only one religion, and that is the religion of reason. There never was a spirit on this planet that in the end will possess any more power than another. So they can rely that each one will get their just deserts exactly. You can make the road long and tedious, or you can have the light. It is for you to choose, both in the mortal and spirit life. I will close by saying, I hope for the success of truth and the banishment of error." ---- Pope Urban VIII

Also, in this book there is a message from Akiba, a 1st Century rabbi, where he said that he looked for Moses in the spirit life but was disappointed because he found that Moses never lived. One message reveals the origins of the gospels in the Christian bible,(1) the written work of Apollonius (Paulus in Latin) of Tyana became the Gospel of St. Paul, (2) translation of the work of Apollonius into Latin by Marcion became the Gospel of St. Mark, (3) commentaries by satirist Lucian became the Gospel of St. Luke. To convert the Armenians to Christianity, the church added the Armenian Book of Matheiou to the bible and it became the Gospel of Matthew.

In 1997 during a Nile River cruise I came to the conclusion that Moses never lived after seeing the quality of the stonework inside the pyramid open to the public. There is no way humans can achieve that degree of perfection, even with all the power tools and computers today.
The layout of the altars of Christian churches, main altar and two side altars, and the rows of columns is the same as that of the temples of the ancient Egyptian religion.

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